Plan Today.

Protect Tomorrow.

Confidence in advice you can trust

24th October 2017

We often meet new clients who are unsure of the exact detail of their current insurance plans. They are vaguely aware that they have something; it's usually 'connected to the mortgage' but they may not have considered the detail in many years.

There are various points to pick up from this:

  • Insurance plans are often set up alongside a mortgage to reflect the financial liability that you have undertaken. However, most of the time, they are not directly linked. It is possible, and indeed it is recommended that these are regularly reviewed. Changes can be made, which can save you money, and improve the quality of your cover.
  • If your circumstances have changed, the old plans may not be suitable for your current needs
  • It is important to understand exactly what you have covered. Is it just your life? Does it include critical illness? Have you protected your income?
  • Have you received advice on areas that you may not have considered in the past? The financial impact of death or ill health is not limited to your mortgage.

These are the areas in which we focus our advice. We can help you understand what your current insurance covers you for, and perhaps more importantly, what it doesn't. We can offer alternative solutions that can improve your value for money and will always work within a budget that you feel is comfortable and sustainable.

If you aren't confident that your insurance will cover you when the worst happens, please make sure to give us a call.

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